First of all, thank you very much for your time and for the answer, I think I can solve it, using the "WhereIn" method as you indicated and dividing the original query in 3 parts, which I leave in case someone else needs or has the same doubt. (Maybe it's not the best way, but in this case it worked for me)
Original SQL query:
SELECT sum('monto_facturado') FROM 'peticiones' WHERE 'id_presupuesto' IN ( SELECT id from 'presupuestos' where 'id_servicio' = 3 );
Laravel Consultation:
1- define the search parameter (in this case the number 3, which can be the request of a form or similar)
$idservicio = $request->id; // 3
2- generate the subquery that goes after the "IN", which will generate me the list of ids that contain said searched value. (Generate an array which will be valid to use the WhereIn).
$selpre = Presupuesto::where('id_servicio', '=', $idservicio)->pluck('id');
3- Having the data of point 2, the query can now be generated using the wherein.
$totalsuma = Peticiones::whereIn('id_presupuesto', $selpre)->sum('monto_facturado');
It should be noted that in this case there were 3 tables (requests, budgets and services), related to fks.
PS: if someone knows another simpler or more orderly solution, the same is appreciated.