I would like to ask your help to make two navigation buttons, in the "next" button and the "previous" button, the thing is this: I have this search engine
And each time the user clicks the "Next" button the program should go to the next cell colored yellow and make it the active cell (so that it can be modified) and if it gives back to "next" must go to the next cell painted yellow and so on, and for the "Previous" button, it would be to return to the last cell where it was. So far I know that the condition you should use to look for the colored cells is
Dim Clr As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Clr = vbYellow
Rng = Activesheet.Range("A3:P88") For Each Cell in Selection If Rng = rng.Interior.Color = Clr Then
Cell = Activecell.SelectAnd then I do not know what to do to mark it as the active cell, and after that move on to the next cell.