I will mention for example a PA (Stored Procedure) , it will keep inside you a sequence of one or several SQL statements, from which you will later be able to obtain utility and it will suffice that you only invoke the PA for its name, as I show you in the following example:
Explanatory note: The examples I will show you are for MySQL but I assume that the logic and degree of functionality should be very similar to SQL Server
SELECT usuarios.*, categorias.* FROM usuarios
JOIN categorias
ON usuarios.id_categoria = categorias.id
WHERE usuarios.id_categoria = 1;
END $$
As you can notice in the following line I invoke said PA only with call and the name of it.
call datos();
On the other hand the views or views for example are stored on server then that helps the workload, a view is a representation of the data but does not imply direct access to them and by last in a PA you can pass parameters that will be used within your SQL query, but in the views not because they are only a static representation of the data
--Aquí creo la vista y le asigno un nombre y con AS le indico la lógica SQL que tednrá que ejecutar
users_posts AS
SELECT users.id,name, status
FROM users
JOIN posts
ON users.id = posts.id_user;
--Para poder hacer uso de la vista la meto en una instrucción SQL regular y al final paso el nombre de dicha vista
SELECT * FROM users_posts;
The triggers are used to store queries and determine when they will be executed, the syntax is:
CREATE TRIGGER nombre_trigger
ON nombre_tabla FOR EACH ROW
--El código que será ejecutado por el trigger va aquí es decir las sentencias SQL