What you are trying to do is make a WebPanel an Insert for a 2-level transaction. I regret to say that for this it is very complicated to control the theme of the grid, since you must control some things. Of which you should consider.
- You must work with varials.
- The grid does not have a navigation, it will generate a single row and it will not work for you assigning rows to it.
- You should generate procedures that help you with the insert to the base, for the parent transaction and the for each line of the grid that you must sweep to generate each insert of the child.
As you can see it is cumbersome, since you may have to resort to SDT's to store the data briefly.
My recommendation
Use a Transaction , these were created to work at a hundred the CRUD of your entities. In case you can not model the Form of the transaction you already have, just save a new one from it, as you do:
- You open the transaction.
- Right click on the tab of it.
- Save As ...
- The name you want. And ready.
This is a copy of the transaction you already have (student), but this is going to be done as your personalized form for a certain situation. And in it if you can handle the Grid and commit events and others at your whim.
I hope I have guided you on the right path and that it will help you more than anything to clarify that in this type of situation you must use transactions. Greetings.