It happens that the decimal separator, according to the Windows regional configuration is the comma, in Excel if I press the numerical keyboard the point appears a comma, the same happens with the calculator, but in the code editor of C #, if I put point appears point, and when declaring variables this is correct.
Double num1 = 176.55 //no hay problema
But if I have a TextBox and I put 45.67 and use
Double num2 = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text)
When executing, it generates an error with the decimal point and in the declaration of num1 there is no such error, but it does not generate an error with the decimal point.
So every time I have to replace the comma with the point, and vice versa to insert the database (I'm used to it, but it bores me).
The question, is there somewhere in the VS configuration, that my decimal separator is the comma. I want that when I write in design time Double x = 1,45
it does not appear red, because supposedly it's wrong.