I'm calculating the geometric data from the latitude / longitude.
consultaGeom = ('''select geometry::STGeomFromText('point('+left(?,12)+' '+left(?,12)+')' , 4326)''');
param = (latCIE,lngCIE)
query = ConexionProyecto.execute(consultaGeom,param)
row = query.fetchone()
The drawback that the data that returns the query and is displayed is
(b'\xe6\x10\x00\x00\x01\x0c\xbdR\x96!\x8e\xa5;\xc0\x1c\xeb\xe26\x1a\P\xc0', )
When it should be
Why does this happen?
I need the data returned to be correct in order to insert it in a geometric field.