Good people, well here's my problem, I have a page in php with the html view, we go a page of all life, which is accessed after a login, I've verified that after login the important data , that is, the ID and the User's Name are passed correctly. Now, within my page I have a select from which I want to "fill" your options with information from a table in my database, that is, depending on the user's Id, different options will be shown. The user enters as a collector and must have a selection of the producers that correspond only to him. Now the problem is that I have made different attempts in different ways but I can not get the information displayed.
This is the page in question:
Your code is this:
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
if(!isset($_SESSION['usuario']) and $_SESSION['estado'] != 'Autenticado') {
header('Location: logeo.php');
} else {
$nombre = $_SESSION['usuario'];
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$salir = '<a href="salir.php" target="_self">Cerrar sesión</a>';
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<li><h4 class="header center brown-text text-darken-2">Registro de producto para Acopiadores</h4></li>
<li><?php echo $salir; ?></p></li>
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<center><h4>Registro del acopiador: <?php echo $nombre; ?></h4></center>
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<option value="0" disabled selected>Seleccione un Productor</option>
<label for="nombre">Nombre de productor: </label>
<div class="input-field col s4">
<input name="kilos" type="number" class="validate" required autofocus min="1">
<label for="kilos">Kilos: </label>
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<input name="precio" type="number" class="validate" required autofocus min="1">
<label for="precio">Precio: </label>
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And yes, I have a separate file that handles the database connection:
// Parametros a configurar para la conexion de la base de datos
$host = "localhost";
$basededatos = "merino_sis";
$usuariodb = "root";
$clavedb = "";
//Lista de Tablas
$tabla_db1 = "acopiadores"; // tabla de los acopiadores.
$tabla_db2 = "productores"; // tabla de los productores.
$tabla_db3 = "registros_a"; // tabla de los registros de los acopiadores.
$tabla_db4 = "registros_p"; // tabal de los registros de los productores.
$conexion = mysqli_connect($host,$usuariodb,$clavedb,$basededatos);
if ($conexion->connect_errno) {
echo "La conexión a la Base de Datos ha resultado en un fallo";
I do not really know what to do, I have been given the option to enter the following code inside the "SELECT" tag but all it does is that on my page there is no field for the data, nor the button or even the footer:
$query="SELECT id,nombre_p FROM 'productores' WHERE id_ac='".$id."'";
$result = mysqli_query($query)
or die("Ocurrio un error en la consulta SQL");
while (($fila = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) != NULL) {
echo '<option value="'.$fila["id"].'">'.$fila["nombre_p"].'</option>';}
Thanks in advance.