.jasper pdf does not look the same running from java


Design a report with ireport designer 5.6.0, but do not see it in one way from ireport and another when it is generated from a jsf app, initially add the sources of ireport to the project and solve the problem with the bold, but the font sizes are still very different, an example is a label that looks perfectly centered from ireport, but since Java does not fit the text, it comes out much larger

asked by dante198712 22.12.2017 в 14:23

1 answer


I found this post similar where something like this happened, considering my solution is: If from java the .jasper is used then the ireport designer must be 5.5.1 or earlier, if from java the .jrxml is used, the jasperreports-5.5.1.jar or earlier must be used to compile, apparently the problem occurs when compile the report with 5.6 **

answered by 22.12.2017 в 20:58