Design a web page, with boostrap, in fact download a template. I have a menu, Home, Us, Team, Contacts, etc.
<li><a href="#about" >Nosotros</a></li>
The problem is that this menu is part of the main template, _Layout.cshtml
. That is to say that when I am in the browser ../Inicio/Index
, the menu works well. But when I enter ../Inicio/TerminosyCondiciones
, I press any title in this menu and it does not work.
I do not know how to link it. I already tried:
<li><a href="@Url.Action("Index","Inicio#about")">Nosotros</a></li>
<li><a href="@Url.Content("/Inicio/Index#about")">Nosotros</a></li>
Help me?