Generate a pdf with domPdf in laravel


Good afternoon I have a small problem and it is the following I have my route for the pdf which is as follows:


and this one from my controller:

public function vistaHTMLPDF(Request $request) {

  //trayendo objeto de cuadre con todos los atributos guardados en store  
  $guia =Cuadre::orderBy('idcuadre','ASC')->paginate(5);
  foreach($guia as $guias) {
    $id = $guias->idcuadre;
    $zona = $guias->idzona;
    $fecha1 = $guias->fechainicial;
    $fecha2 = $guias->fechafinal;      

  /*consulta para borrar los registros a la hora de darle al boton cerrar */
  //  $fechacierre =DB::delete('delete  from asignacion where idzona='.$zona.
  //                      ' and ts between '.$fecha1.' and '.$fecha2);

  /*Consulta de zona pereira*/
  $cua = DB::select('select forma_pago ,sum(valor_neto) as s 
                     FROM asignacion as a, 
                     guia_manual as b where b.idguia_manual = a.idguia and
                     idzona='.$zona.' GROUP by forma_pago');

  //consulta para traerme el resumen de los pagos y el total de guias creadas en pereira
  $resumen =  DB::select('select remision,forma_pago,valor_neto
                                         FROM guia_manual g,
                                         asignacion a WHERE a.idguia = g.idguia_manual and idzona='.$zona);

  /*Consulta de zona bogota*/
  $bog2 = DB::select('select forma_pago,sum(valor_neto) as s
                                         FROM asignacion as a,
                                         guia_manual as b
                                         where b.idguia_manual = a.idguia and
                                         GROUP by forma_pago');

     $pdf = PDF::loadView('vista-html-pdf');
     return $pdf->download('reporte');

     return view('vista-html-pdf')->with('cua',$cua)->with('resumen', $resumen)->with('zona',$zona);
   } elseif ($zona=='13') {
     return view('vista-html-pdf')->with('bog2',$bog2)->with('resumen', $resumen)->with('zona',$zona);

and this is my view for the pdf:

<div class="botones">
  <div class="form-group">
    <a href="{{route('vistaHTMLPDF',['descargar'=>'pdf'])}}" class="btn btn-warning">Ver Pdf </a>
<?php if ($zona =="12"): ?>
  <table style="width: 18%" class="table table-striped">   

    @foreach($cua as $cuas)
        <th>total {{$cuas->forma_pago}}: </th>
      <table style="width: 30%" class="table table-striped">
          <th>Forma pago</th>
              @foreach($resumen as $remisiones)
    <?php endif ?>

    <?php if ($zona=='13'): ?>
      <table style="width: 18%" class="table table-striped">  
        @foreach($bog2 as $bogs2)
            <th>total {{$bogs2->forma_pago}}: </th>

          <table style="width: 30%" class="table table-striped">
              <th>Forma pago</th>
              @foreach($resumen as $remisiones)
  <?php endif ?>

and this is my final view:

but when pressing the button see pdf I get that the variables that I am sent to the view are not defined but I do not know why.

asked by Camilo Villegas 19.11.2017 в 21:34

1 answer

 $pdf = PDF::loadView('vista-html-pdf');

Here you do not pass variables as in the normal view

 return view('vista-html-pdf')->with('cua',$cua)->with('resumen', $resumen)->with('zona',$zona);
answered by 20.11.2017 в 16:52