Graph in 3d an lm


I have a factorial experimental design which I want to graph. I do:

LmA<-lm(z ~ (x+ I(x^2)+y+I(y^2)+I(y*x)), data=dudagrafico)

and so I get the formula of the model. I would like to make a graphic of this style:

Here is the data: link

asked by germanfernandez 06.01.2018 в 20:08

1 answer


From what I understand, you are looking to draw a surface from the defined regression model. One possibility is to use rgl which offers interesting interactive graphing. First of all, if you do not have the rgl package, you should install it: install.packages("rgl") . Then let's see an example:


# Usando valores random
xyz <-, 100),
                           y=sample(1:100, 100),
                           z=sample(1:100, 100)))

# Usando los datos de la planilla
xyz <- read_xlsx(path="C:/Tmp/dudagrafico.xlsx")

LmA<-lm(z ~ (x+ I(x^2)+y+I(y^2)+I(y*x)), data=xyz)

# Generamos un conjunto de puntos con todas las combinaciones
# El parámetro by establece el tamaño de la "malla" 
newdat <- expand.grid(x=seq(min(xyz$x),max(xyz$x),by=5), 

# Generamos los valores de z
newdat$z_predicted_vals <- predict(LmA,newdata=newdat)

# Dibujamos la dispersión 3d de los puntos
with(xyz,plot3d(x, y, z, col="blue", size=1, type="s"))

# Dibujamos la superficie
                      alpha=0.3,front="line", back="line"))

# Para tomar una foto del gráfico

The generation of the surface is done by combining all points x , y from the first to the last in groups of 5 , this last will determine the size of the mesh or grid of the surface. Then we simply calculate the value of z according to the given model, with this data we can create the graph using plot3d() (if we do not want to show the points you have to configure size=0 ) and then add the surface the graphic using surface3d()

The result:

answered by 08.01.2018 / 21:56