Error compiling a project in Android Studio


Update to version 3.0 of Android studio, now when loading my project I get this error:


files under the "build" folder are generated and should not be edited

I tried sync project with gradle files . Close and open but from what I have noticed is that I am not recognizing the XML, I have researched and reviewed the possible solutions of other questions to this same problem but it has not worked for me.

This is the image of manifest , it is worth mentioning that when opening the xml of the views, it does not allow me to load the preview, nor see the design, so I think it is not loading the project correctly, thanks! The

asked by Gilbert Flores 30.10.2017 в 21:05

2 answers


I managed to solve it thanks to the information in this link About Android Plugin for Gradle 3.0 .0

specifically thanks to this paragraph:

Improved incremental resource processing using AAPT2, which is enabled by default. If you are experiencing issues while using AAPT2, you can disable it by setting android.enableAapt2 = false in your file and restarting the Gradle daemon by running ./gradlew --stop from the command line .

I just had to paste this line: android.enableAapt2 = false in the gradle.Properties

answered by 31.10.2017 в 16:59

You are trying to edit a AndroidManifest.xml file that is generated when your project is compiled, files within /app/build/ should not be edited .

In fact it is what this message indicates,


"Files inside the" build "folder are generated and should not be   edited "


The AndroidManifest.xml file that you need to edit is the one inside the path: /src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

If you choose to visualize your project as " Android ", here is your AndroidManifest.xml

If you choose to visualize your project as " Project ", here is your AndroidManifest.xml

answered by 30.10.2017 в 22:48