Get field with jpa


I am working with jpa and to obtain this case a user through the nickname I use the following code:

public User obtenerPorNick(String nickName) {
    return entityManager.find(User.class, nickName);

That works. I understand that find() is for primarykey, What I want is to obtain a user but for another attribute, for example mail that is Unique. What should I use ???

asked by Pablo 12.11.2017 в 19:40

1 answer


For that you must create a method in EJB corresponds.


Public usuario buscarPorMail (String correo)
String consulta ; 
Usuario usuario=null;
Try {
Consulta="from usuario u where u.correo=?";
Query query = query. CreateQuery (consulta);
Query.setParam (1,correo);
usuario=query.getSingleResult ();
}catch ()
Return usuario;
answered by 13.11.2017 / 02:12