Problems loading storyboard xcode 9


I had a problem with xcode 9 .

It turns out that I have a project in swift 3 , I have it in a mac and the xcode where it was created was like the 6, but in the same mac it has been updating the xcode from the store until it arrives On the 9th, the problem is that now in a new mac the xcode is installed from 0, it is not updated as it usually happened but in the xcode that the project was just installed when wanting to visualize the storyboard is much encouraged and it gets stuck, it does not let me see for example the view of half and half (Vista and Controller ), so when doing that I have to force to stop xcode , the funny thing is that with other projects that started newer this does not happen and I have no idea what configuration to move, the differences I see is that in the xcode of the previous mac but has the 9 sdk appears as 10.3 and the new only leaves me 11, but in I do not know if it's that

asked by Rogelio Sanchez 02.10.2017 в 14:37

1 answer


Well already solved, what happened is that I needed to update a POD, a library that I use called FSCalendar, that library had problems using it in xcode 9 apparently and that's why it was stuck in the storyboard.


answered by 25.10.2017 / 17:51