Android studio create folders in res


I am new with Android studio and I am getting complicated in creating the layout-small folder, I give it to new / android resource directory and as much as I believe it then it does not appear in the folder tree but in windows.

a greeting

asked by lujan 24.12.2017 в 16:56

2 answers


The folder you have created correctly, to view it you must change the view format of your files, right now you are working in android , change to project and there you will see the directory.

First change from android to project

In project navigate to the path main where are the folders res and java , get in res and there you will find the directory created.

answered by 24.12.2017 / 21:31

Once you create it, try to find it with your Windows Explorer, to verify that you are creating the folder.

answered by 24.12.2017 в 19:07