good I have a doubt I'm new to php and I need to create a php form and have the data store it in a text document (.txt) this is the code that I have:
<title>Configuracion Red</title>
<form method="POST" ACTION="registro.php" >
<table class="formulario">
<td class="label">
Numero ip :
<td class="entrada">
<input type "text" id="txtnumeroip" name="txtnumeroip" value="" maxlength = "15" />
<td class="label">
Nombre Red Wifi :
<td class="entrada">
<input type="text" id="txtnombrewifi" name="txtnombrewifi" value="" maxlength="30" />
<td class="label">
Clave :
<td class="entrada">
<input type="text" id="txtClave" name="txtClave" value="" maxlength="20" />
<td colspan="2" class="botonera">
<input class="boton" type="submit" name="submit" value="Enviar">
$archivo = "datos.txt";
$gestor = @fopen("/tmp/datos.txt", "w+");
I receive the data here
<meta charset="UTF-8">
if (!empty($_POST["txtnumeroip"]))
$numeroIp = $_POST["txtnumeroip"];
if (!empty($_POST["txtnombrewifi"]))
$nombrewifi = $_POST["txtnombrewifi"];
$clave = $_POST["txtClave"];
numero ip : $numeroip
nombre red wifi : $nombrewifi
clave : $clave
$archivo = fopen("tmp/datos.txt","w+");
however, I do not create the file in the tmp folder
If someone can guide me in what I am doing wrong or what is the error would be appreciated