Good evening, I was commissioned to carry out a simple program in the POO class in which it consists of doing a simple program in which it consists of a Bank where you can enter or withdraw money. I did it in 2 classes, but in the second class it does not let me declare private objects, it only helps me if I create the objects within the main method and without the private.
Class 1:
public class Cuenta{
private String titular;
private double saldo;
public Cuenta(String nombre, double dinero){
titular = nombre;
saldo = dinero;
public void ingresar(double dinero){
saldo = saldo + dinero;
public void retirar(double dinero){
saldo = saldo-dinero;
public double checar(double dinero){
return saldo;
Class 2:
public class Banco{
private Cuenta cuenta1 = new Cuenta("Carlos Carrete", 2500);
private Cuenta cuenta2 = new Cuenta("Daniela Pabon", 200);
public static void main (String [] args){
Class 2 shows "non static variable can not be referend from static context"