Make count in several mysql fields


Good, I have a db in mysql, I would like to count a certain value in many fields in the same table (not in a single field), for example in this case I have the table A = Fair S = Outstanding E = Excellent Table: notes

As you can see it is not a simple count, since there are several fields of notes for different students, I want for example to count the A, S and E in the different fields of all the students, thanks and I hope I have known explain.

asked by SabanaSabrosa 10.10.2017 в 01:51

3 answers


This query tells you each note, and gives you a row name for each one. Not bad, right?

SELECT nota, COUNT(*) total 
    FROM (
            SELECT nota1 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota2 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota3 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota4 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota5 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010

    ) tbl_tmp
GROUP BY nota;

Although I would improve the design of the database, so we avoid headaches ... :) A simple table that saves id_estudiante , id_asignatura and nota would give an interesting respite to the table estudiantes , would allow you to tell what you want, even if there were thousands of types of notes, etc ...

I hope it's useful for you.



CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS estudiantes_20171010 
    nombre VARCHAR(20), nota1 CHAR(1), nota2 CHAR(1),nota3 CHAR(1),nota4 CHAR(1),nota5 CHAR(1)

INSERT INTO estudiantes_20171010 (nombre,nota1,nota2,nota3,nota4,nota5)

-- Datos de prueba 

FROM estudiantes_20171010

-- Contando notas

SELECT nota, COUNT(*) total 
    FROM (
            SELECT nota1 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota2 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota3 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota4 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010
            UNION ALL
            SELECT nota5 as nota FROM estudiantes_20171010

    ) tbl_tmp
GROUP BY nota;

- Test data

id  nombre         nota1    nota2   nota3   nota4   nota5
1   Estudiante1    E        S       S       A       S
2   Estudiante2    A        S       A       E       S
3   Estudiante3    S        E       S       S       S

- Counting

nota    total
A       3
E       3
S       9
answered by 10.10.2017 в 03:30

In this case, since all the characters to count occupy a position, a little trick can be done to count the characters.

Separate the query in two ..

First we have to get a single string per Student:

    CONCAT(nota_1,nota_2,...) as concatenado

and then, we count for each row the amount of each occurrence, this is only valid because it is a letter! otherwise the function would be a little more complicated.

    LENGTH(concatenado) - LENGTH( REPLACE ( concatenado, "A", "") ) as NOTAS_A,
    LENGTH(concatenado) - LENGTH( REPLACE ( concatenado, "E", "") ) as NOTAS_E,
    LENGTH(concatenado) - LENGTH( REPLACE ( concatenado, "S", "") ) as NOTAS_S
answered by 10.10.2017 в 02:29

You can also use variables, for example:

// Se cuentan todas las S de la columna nota1 y se mete en variable
select count(*) from asignatura where Nota1='S' into @valor1;

// Se cuentan todas las S de la columna nota2 y se mete en variable
select count(*) from asignatura where Nota2='S' into @valor2;

// Hay que repetir las sentencias anteriores por cada columna de cada tabla.

// Se suman todas las variables y te da el número total de S por tabla.
select @valor1 + @valor2;

You can probably optimize this query by changing the Where, saying that it counts any of the S you find, but right now it's the first thing that comes to mind.

answered by 10.10.2017 в 03:37