Show image of Storage as background


Right now I have the code that looks like this, I access the assets folder, which is inside public:

<div class="itemProjectImage"  :id="'itemProjectImage_'+i" :style="'background-image:url(/assets/img/projects/'+project.slug+'/home.jpg'">

What I would like would be to directly access storage, but with vue:

<p class="lead"><img src="{{ asset('/storage/employees/'.$employee->slug.'/'.$employee->slug.'.'.'jpg') }}" width="50%" ></p>

What would be the right way?

asked by Lluís Puig Ferrer 04.09.2017 в 17:37

2 answers


I can think of many ways to do this, but everything depends on what the system requires, image confidentiality, etc.

// Ruta
Route::get('images/{filename}', 'ImagenesController@imagen'); // Deberias de usar un middelware '->middleware('auth')'

// controlador

    public function imagen($slug)
        $path = storage_path() . '/employees/' . $slug .'jpg'; // Podés poner cualquier ubicacion que quieras dentro del storage

        if(!File::exists($path)) abort(404); // Si el archivo no existe

        $file = File::get($path);
        $type = File::mimeType($path);

        $response = Response::make($file, 200);
        $response->header("Content-Type", $type);

        return $response;

// en el componente

    <p class="lead"><img src="'/imagen/${this.employee.slug}'" width="50%" ></p>

Another option may be to convert the image to base64 in the controller and return a string and you can call it from the component using ajax

methods: {
    getImage(slug) {
        var imagen = ''
            .then(function(response) {
                imagen =
            .catch(function(error) {
        return imagen
answered by 05.09.2017 в 12:13

You only need to set up a route in Laravel, for example:


on the image tag you do it like this:

<img :src="'myRoute/myImage.jpg'">

If your controller works with that, it's enough, I hope your project works for you.

answered by 11.01.2018 в 02:18