Search by "external_reference" DO NOT walk


I'm having the same problem as many other users as I could read, the search for external_reference of payments, does not work.


$filters = array( 
  "external_reference" => 'reterenciaX'

$searchResult = $mp->search_payment($filters,0,10);


array(2) { 
    ["status"]=> int(200), 
    ["response"]=> array(2) { 
        ["paging"]=> array(3) { 
            ["total"]=> int(0),
            ["limit"]=> int(10), 
            ["offset"]=> int(0) 
     ["results"]=> array(0) { } 

The external_reference that I pass as a parameter is 100% sure that it exists, and as you can see in the example I'm explicitly passed the offset and limit , which gave problems in some cases if you did not pass the method search_payment , but in this case, passing it or not, it does not work.

It is worth clarifying that the payments are by basic checkout.

Has anyone been able to solve this problem in any way?

asked by user51683 22.07.2017 в 16:47

1 answer


As a way of knowing I leave this answer, I could detect that the search by external reference does not work if the external reference has "average hyphens" for example, using an external reference of the type "XX01", it works.

answered by 22.07.2017 в 17:43