I need to consume a web service from .NET; I have to connect to the following webservice:
EndPoint: / ext_ws / integration_school / update_debt_by_code
Method: POST
{api_key}: clave de autorización
{codigo}: código del estudiante
{valor_adeudado}: valor total adeudado
{valores_pendientes}: arreglo con el detalle de los valores pendientes de pago
Request Example:
"api_key": "############",
"codigo": "0885-E",
"valor_adeudado": 120.65,
"valores_pendientes": [
"numero_factura" : "001-001-0003875".
"fecha" : "01-02-2018",
"monto_total" : "120.65",
"detalles" : [
{ "concepto" : "Pensión Enero", "valor" : "100.15" },
{ "concepto" : "Pensión Febrero", "valor" : "20.50" }
Result: JSON structure:
result: (true, false) action result indicator
message: message of the action taken
Ahem. Result:
“resultado”: true,
“mensaje”: “Registro Actualizado Correctamente”
Looking for some information I have to consume it through the class HttpClient
I do not know if someone has an example of how he should do it or if there is some other more effective way to consume it?