I have a report in visual basic, what I need is that at the end of the page show me the total number of records that exist.
I also need you to show me the total of each column (example: The Column reason has X amount)
I have a report in visual basic, what I need is that at the end of the page show me the total number of records that exist.
I also need you to show me the total of each column (example: The Column reason has X amount)
hi look at this is the SQL query, where I calculate the totalizer
IF @Tipo='ReporteLiquidacion' BEGIN --Cabecera SELECT TOP 1 R.facID 'facID' ,Folio_Recompra 'folio_recompra' ,R.Tipo_Operacion 'tipo_oper' ,R.Condicion_Pago 'cond_pago' ,R.Tasa_Captacion 'tasa_capta' ,R.Fecha_de_Pago 'Fecha_de_Pago' FROM Facturas F INNER JOIN FIP_VENTA V ON F.facid = V.facid INNER JOIN FIP_Recompra R ON v.facID = r.facID AND R.facID IN (SELECT facID FROM @tablaFacID) -- Totalizador cabecera SELECT SUM(R.Valor_Recompra) 'total_rescate' FROM Facturas F INNER JOIN FIP_VENTA V ON F.facid = V.facid INNER JOIN FIP_Recompra R ON v.facID = r.facID AND R.facID IN (SELECT facID FROM @tablaFacID) --Detalle SELECT R.facID ,F.cliente 'cliente' ,Folio_Recompra ,CONVERT(INT,F.numero_documento) 'numero_documento' ,CONVERT(INT,F.valor_documento) 'valor_documento' ,R.Valor_Rescate 'Valor_Rescate' ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,F.fecha_vencimiento,103) 'fecha_vencimiento' ,R.Interes_por_Recuperar 'Interes_por_Recuperar'--ver si es otro campo ,R.Valor_Recompra 'Valor_Recompra' ,R.Fecha_de_Pago 'Fecha_de_Pago' ,R.Interes_por_Recuperar 'Interes_por_Recuperar' ,R.Monto_Pago 'Monto_Pago' ,R.Tipo_Operacion ,R.Condicion_Pago ,R.Tasa_Captacion ,R.Dias_Reliquidados 'Dias_Reliquidados' From Facturas F INNER JOIN FIP_VENTA V ON F.facid = V.facid INNER JOIN FIP_Recompra R ON v.facID = r.facID AND R.facID IN (SELECT facID FROM @tablaFacID) END
here is where I do the event
protected void Imprimir_Liquidacion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BolsaDeProductos.SX.BD.Conexion objconexion = new BolsaDeProductos.SX.BD.Conexion(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Parametros Param = new Parametros(); Param.Limpiar(); Param.Agregar("Tipo", "ReporteLiquidacion"); Param.Agregar("listaFact", objFunciones.Desencriptar(Request.QueryString["listaFact"].ToString())); ds = objconexion.EjecutarSQL("spInsertRecompraFIP", Param.Generar("parametros", true)); ReportViewer liqRecompra = new ReportViewer(); liqRecompra.LocalReport.ReportPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RutaDocumento"].ToString() + "Liquidacion_Recompra.rdlc"; liqRecompra.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); liqRecompra.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("cabecera", ds.Tables[0])); liqRecompra.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("total", ds.Tables[1])); liqRecompra.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("detalle", ds.Tables[2])); byte[] bytes = liqRecompra.LocalReport.Render("Word", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamIds, out warnings); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = mimeType; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename= Comprobante_Liquidacion_Recompra." + extension); Response.BinaryWrite(bytes); Response.Flush(); }
I hope it serves you, regards