What are the providers, aliases and their differences? [closed]


Hi, I'm good knowing Laravel and I'd like to know what the providers and aliases are in the file cofifg \ app.php and what their differences are.

asked by FuriosoJack 01.06.2017 в 23:17

1 answer


Taken from Styde.net: link


Service Providers are classes that allow you to build or create instances of other objects that, starting with version 5 of Laravel, are an essential part of the architecture of this framework. Well, they define each of the objects and instances that will be loaded into the project, that is, it is where all the code required for an application to work is registered, both from the framework itself and any other developed by us and that we need to use ; thus allowing to create an application in a cleaner, more robust and uncoupled way, as it would be as if we were building it in blocks.

As for the aliases or facades: link


As Laravel's official documentation explains in very simple words, the Facades provide a "Static" interface to classes that are available in the service container of the application. As such a "Facade" is a structural design pattern that allows you to create a simple interface to a subsystem of the application such as packages or components.

answered by 02.06.2017 / 00:25