Is it possible and how to transpose results from a column to rows dynamically? SQL Server 2008 R2


My query is indicated immediately:

Example, I have the 'calendar' table:

Código | Tramo  | días
Semana1|08001800| 5
Semana1|DESCANSO| 2
Semana2|15302100| 4
Semana2|21000800| 1
Semana2|DESCANSO| 2
Semana3|09001900| 5
Semana3|DESCANSO| 2
Semana3|08001800| 2

The table indicated above is a schedule and my question is whether the result query could be obtained in the following way:

Código | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  | Tramo  |

In theory you should read the 'STOP' and repeat it the number of times indicated in 'days' and you should repeat it to the right in columns and without repeating the 'code'.

At the moment I have not advanced in the code since I can not think of how to do it, I was thinking about using CASE but it does not work for me.

Any ideas? Is it understood? It is dynamic since the consultation will be extended to the side according to the number of days the section has.

Please give your guidance.

asked by Esteban Jaramillo 03.07.2017 в 18:29

1 answer


This is not the most optimal solution, I think there is a possibility to put it in a simpler way, but at least this method would solve your question.

First of all, I rely on your maximum limit of sections, this is important, because if this number is undetermined, you have to pass yes or yes to a dynamic query that is one more layer of complexity: find out the maximum and Write a dynamic sentence based on what I'm answering you.

The other important issue is that in principle, in your example, you do not indicate a field to handle a chronological order, I will add it to logic with the order with which you armed the example.

The first thing is to define the table with the cases of the example, plus the order that we spoke:

    NroTramo    INT,
    Codigo      VARCHAR(255),
    Tramo       VARCHAR(255),
    CantTramos  INT

INSERT INTO @Ejemplo (Codigo, Tramo, CantTramos, NroTramo)
SELECT  'Semana1','08001800',5, 1   UNION
SELECT  'Semana1','DESCANSO',2, 2   UNION
SELECT  'Semana2','15302100',4, 1   UNION
SELECT  'Semana2','21000800',1, 2   UNION
SELECT  'Semana2','DESCANSO',2, 3   UNION
SELECT  'Semana3','09001900',5, 1   UNION
SELECT  'Semana3','DESCANSO',2, 2   UNION
SELECT  'Semana3','08001800',2, 3

The next thing is to assemble a table of Days per section, as you mentioned 2 weeks at the most, in the worst case we would have 1 section of 14 days, so we will generate 14 records, in the following way:

    Dias    INT

INSERT INTO @DiasPorTramo (Dias)
VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14)

This table will be used to generate another Intermedia, where basically we will generate a record for each day of each section, from here I will tell you that it is a not optimal solution and it will be practical depending on the volume of data that drive To assemble our intermediate table:

DECLARE @TablaIntermedia TABLE (
    NroTramo        INT,
    Codigo          VARCHAR(255),
    Tramo           VARCHAR(255),
    NroDia          INT,
    TramoColumna    VARCHAR(255)

INSERT INTO @TablaIntermedia  (NroTramo, Codigo, Tramo, NroDia)
SELECT  E.NroTramo,
    FROM @Ejemplo E
    LEFT JOIN @DiasPorTramo D
        ON 1 = 1
        AND E.CantTramos >= D.Dias
    ORDER BY E.Codigo, E.NroTramo

UPDATE  @TablaIntermedia
    SET TramoColumna = 'Tramo' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, NroDia)

Viewing a single case, for example Semana1 , this would be the data:

NroTramo Codigo     Tramo       NroDia  TramoColumna
======== ========== =========== ======= ============
1,00     Semana1    08001800    1,00    Tramo1
1,00     Semana1    08001800    2,00    Tramo2
1,00     Semana1    08001800    3,00    Tramo3
1,00     Semana1    08001800    4,00    Tramo4
1,00     Semana1    08001800    5,00    Tramo5
2,00     Semana1    DESCANSO    6,00    Tramo6
2,00     Semana1    DESCANSO    7,00    Tramo7

With these data it is much clearer how we can make some consultations to reach the desired result:

Using GROUP BY , MAX and% CASE we can do this (in practice we would have to add the rest of the sections up to 14):

SELECT  Codigo,
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo1' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo1',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo2' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo2',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo3' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo3',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo4' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo4',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo5' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo5',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo6' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo6',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo7' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo7',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo8' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo8',
        MAX(CASE WHEN TramoColumna = 'Tramo9' THEN Tramo END) 'Tramo9'
    FROM @TablaIntermedia
    GROUP BY Codigo 

Using PIVOT is also possible (I do not remember if you have it available in 2008):

SELECT  Codigo, Tramo1, Tramo2, Tramo3, Tramo4, Tramo5, Tramo6, Tramo7, Tramo8, Tramo9 
        SELECT Codigo, Tramo, TramoColumna
        FROM @TablaIntermedia
    ) s
      MAX(Tramo) FOR TramoColumna IN (Tramo1, Tramo2, Tramo3, Tramo4, Tramo5, Tramo6, Tramo7, Tramo8, Tramo9 )
    ) p

In both cases the output is the same:

Codigo  Tramo1      Tramo2      Tramo3      Tramo4      Tramo5      Tramo6      Tramo7      Tramo8      Tramo9
======= =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== ===========
Semana1 08001800    08001800    08001800    08001800    08001800    DESCANSO    DESCANSO    NULL        NULL
Semana2 15302100    15302100    15302100    15302100    21000800    DESCANSO    DESCANSO    NULL        NULL
Semana3 09001900    09001900    09001900    09001900    09001900    DESCANSO    DESCANSO    08001800    08001800

As I said, it is not the most optimal solution, I suggest you wait for some other answer before giving it for good (obviously if you find it useful).


A much better solution is the following:

SELECT  Codigo,
    MAX(CASE WHEN 1 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 2 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 3 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 4 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 5 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 6 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 7 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 8 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END),
    MAX(CASE WHEN 9 BETWEEN (Acumulado - CantTramos) + 1 AND Acumulado THEN Tramo END)
    FROM (SELECT    T.*,
            SUM(CantTramos) OVER (partition by Codigo order by Codigo, NroTramo) as 'Acumulado'
        from (SELECT 
            FROM @Ejemplo) t
    ) TT
    GROUP BY Codigo

This solution does not require generating an intermediate table, sorry for starting for the most difficult solution, but I was not sure I could solve it in another way

answered by 03.07.2017 / 21:40