___ erkimt ___ Error in Android Studio: 'emulator-5554' not found ______ qstntxt ___
I can not emulate my app, since I get the following message:
Installation failed with message device 'emulator-5554' not found.
It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-installing.
I tried to restart Android Studio and clean the project ( %code% ). When I uninstall the apk and try to install it again, it says:
error installing apk
How can I solve it?
Most likely you have updated the Emulator and not its images. So you have to update everything else. If you get the sign that there are updates for the Emulator and Images download them all.
Once updated everything creates a new virtual device. Emulate it and run on that.
Tip: No longer update the SDK or the emulator.
Just your emulator is not working or does not exist, therefore can not install the .apk, ensuring create a AVD (Android Virtual Device) where the application would be charged.
create and manage virtual devices (AVD).
Another reason indicated in the message,
Installation failed with message device 'emulator-5554' not found. Item
is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing
version of the apk if it is present, and then re-installing. I have
which honestly have never experienced (since when trying to upload new version of the previous .apk is eliminated), it is that if your virtual device is visible, delete the app inside.