Run Replace command in VisualBasics to replace a formula


I'm trying to create a macro and I have problems trying to use the Replace command when it affects a formula in VisualBasics.

My situation is this:

  • In column L I have calculations of slope of different ranges: =PENDIENTE(G33:G60;C33:C60) =PENDIENTE(G95:G122;C95:C122) etc.

  • I have to change the PENDING calculation by AVERAGE (the excel is in Spanish so the operations have it in Spanish) so that it is: =PROMEDIO(G33:G60) =PROMEDIO(G95:G122) etc.

  • After some attempts I stayed here (I do not know if it's okay either):

    Dim Cadena1 As String
        Cadena1 = Replace("=PENDIENTE(G*:G*;C*:C*)", "PENDIENTE", "PROMEDIO")
    Dim Cadena2 As String
        Cadena2 = Replace("=PROMEDIO(G*:G*;C*:C*)", ";C*:C*", " ")
    Dim iRow, StartRow As Integer
    Dim Col1, ColValues As String
        Col1 = "L"
        ColValues = "M"
        StartRaw = 2
    NumRows = Range(Col1 & StartRow, Range(Col1 & StartRow).End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

    me This message comes out and points to the last row "NumRows"

    Any advice? If anyone knows a VisualBasics manual that could help or something similar, I would also appreciate it.

    asked by Albert G 26.04.2017 в 10:19

    1 answer


    With the .formula property you can assign the formula to the range of cells.

    I put average instead of promedio and slope instead of pendiente because VBA uses the names in English

    Sub prueba()
        Dim cell As Range
        Dim celda_inicio As String
        Dim celda_fin As String
        celda_inicio = "A7"
        celda_fin = "A15"
        Dim formula_vieja As String
        Dim posicion As Integer
        For Each cell In Range(celda_inicio, celda_fin)
            formula_vieja = cell.formula
            formula_vieja = Replace(formula_vieja, "SLOPE", "AVERAGE")
            posicion = InStr(1, formula_vieja, ",")
            If posicion > 0 Then
                cell.formula = Left(formula_vieja, posicion - 1) + ")"
            End If
    End Sub


    Go cell by cell in the specified range with the variables, and take the current formula and change slope by average

    Then find where the comma is. The formula in English is not =PENDIENTE(G33:G60;C33:C60) if not =PENDIENTE(G33:G60,C33:C60)

    If you find the comma, pick up the%% witch from the left and then add a% co_of% to close the formula

    answered by 26.04.2017 / 11:25