In version 07, the PersonaFisicaJuridicaType class does not have a member that is called NIF as it says the documentation of the AEAT. Therefore to define the NIF use IDOtroType. But there is no way. He answers me with the error 1104 Incorrect field value ID
PersonaFisicaJuridicaType LaContra = new PersonaFisicaJuridicaType() ;
LaContra.NombreRazon = NombreRazon ;
IDOtroType ElOtro = new IDOtroType();
ElOtro.CodigoPaisSpecified = true;
ElOtro.CodigoPais = CountryType2.ES;
ElOtro.IDType = PersonaFisicaJuridicaIDTypeType.Item02;
ElOtro.ID = "23740800Q" ;
LaContra.Item = ElOtro;
LaFraExpedida.Contraparte = LaContra;