render in a different context in react?


I'm doing a project on react + meteor.

The problem is this:

I have an object that renders two columns. In the first column (col-lg-4) there is a list of elements. In the second column (col-lg-8) I want to show a graph that must be shown when pressing each of the elements of the first column. The problem is that the click event of each of the elements ( StockSingle ) I have already overwritten with the data load for each of the graphics.

This is the object App :

export default class App extends TrackerReact(Component){

    <div className="col-lg-4">
      <ul className="stocks">
          return(<StockSingle key ={stock._id} stock={stock}/>)})}
  <div className="col-lg-8">

This is the object StockSingle :

export default class StockSingle extends Component{



  render() {
    return (
      <li onClick={this.clickStock.bind(this)}>
      {this.state.showComponent?<Loader stock={this.props.stock}/>:null}

The loader object loads the data and shows a gif spinner while it is working:

export default class Loader extends Component {

    //loads the data here...

      <div className="loading">
        <img src="loader2.gif" width='20' height='20' />

I can not figure out how to render the graph in col-lg-8 by clicking on each of the StockSingle elements. Maybe reactivevars of meteor?

Any help is appreciated.

asked by sub 12.04.2017 в 20:49

1 answer


What you are trying to do is sibling communication. There are several options:

  • Use context to make properties available in a hierarchy (not recommended).
  • Use the observer / pub-sub pattern. There are libraries like EventEmitter or Postal that implement this pattern (recommended).
  • Pass shared methods as property (recommended).
  • Use redux / reflux. The latter option is feasible only in medium / large or high complexity applications.

The simplest alternative you have is to define methods in the parent component, methods that will be shared in the children.


Tip: Try not to bin a context directly in the HTML, since each time the component is rendered it will create a new instance of the function which is not very efficient. Instead, make the bind in the constructor or use the decoration @autobind of core-decorators .


class App extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      stock: {} // elemento activo

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="col-lg-4">
        <ul className="stocks">
            this.stocks().map(stock => (
                key ={stock._id} 
                notify={this.onStockClick.bind(null, stock)}
      <div className="col-lg-8">

   * Será llamado por StockSingle cada vez
   * que se un stock sea pulsado.
   * @param  {SingleStock} stock Stock pulsado
  onStockClick(stock) {
    this.setState({ stock });


export default class StockSingle extends Component {

  constructor(props) {

  clickStock(event) {
    // notificamos que se ha pulsado sobre un stock

  render() {
    return (
        <li onClick={this.clickStock.bind(this)}>
          ? <Loader stock={this.props.stock}/>


export default class Chart extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      stock: {}
   * Este método será llamado cuando se reciba
   * una propiedad desde fuera. Si la propiedad 
   * es otra, actualizamos el estado, causando
   * una re-renderización.
  componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
    const { stock } = nextProps;
    if (this.state.stock._id && stock._id !== this.state.stock._id) {
      this.setState({ stock });

  render() {
    return (
      <!-- HTML here -->

Basically three things happen:

  • Element% co_of% pressed. Update your status and call SingleStock .
  • Method notify of notify executed. Update the status by changing the stock .
  • Graph detects a change in its properties. Compare the stock property with the stock in your state. If they are different, it is re-rendered.
  • Redux

    With Redux it's much simpler, for example, we only dispatch one action and the reducer will update the status. When you click on a App we dispatch an action like this:

    const changeStock = stock => {
      return {
        type: 'CHANGE_STOCK',

    In this way ( StockSingle ):


    Then, by means of a reducer:

    const stockReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
        case 'CHANGE_STOCK':
          return Object.assign({}, state, { action.stock });
        default: return state;

    We update the status (called store , which represents the state of the application, not local) overwriting the stock clicked. Finally, we get it in SingleStock :

      state => { stock: state.stock }
    class Graph extends Component {
      constructor (props) {
        this.state = {
          stock: {}
      componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
        const { stock } = nextProps;
        if (this.state.stock._id && this.sate.stock._id !== stock._id) {
          this.setState({ stock });
      render() {
        return (
          <!-- HTML aquí -->

    The decoration Graph connects the state of the application ( store ) with that component. The first parameter indicates what data from the store we want to be available in @connect .

    Redux may seem complicated at first, if you are starting with React I recommend you go with the first approach.

    answered by 12.04.2017 / 21:38