I am trying to integrate Lua with C ++ and I have some doubts when debugging errors .
When any part of a lua script fails, whether it is a run-time error or a syntax error, Lua returns control to the host program quite silently. Basically luaL_dofile
ends up returning 1
From what I've been reading in the official reference , when it happens Lua error fills the structure lua_Debug
with more detailed information if we call the function lua_getinfo
... or that I thought I understood. : - (
On the one hand I have an intuition about the procedure to obtain more information to debug errors, but in practice ... it does not go.
I paste here the main.cpp code
#include <iostream>
#include "GetHttp.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "App.h"
#include "Poco/Logger.h"
extern "C"
#include "lua5.2/lua.h"
#include "lua5.2/lualib.h"
#include "lua5.2/lauxlib.h"
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
#include <luabind/out_value_policy.hpp>
#include <luabind/adopt_policy.hpp>
#include <luabind/return_reference_to_policy.hpp>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Conf conf;
GetHttp ini;
conf.logger.information("- Iniciando :-D");
const char file[]="mods/test.lua";
lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
conf.logger.information("Leido lua_state");
conf.logger.information("Leido openlibs");
conf.logger.information("Abierto luabind");
conf.logger.information("Cargado módulo");
int retorno = luaL_dofile(L,file);
if(retorno == 0)
cout << "Saliendo con errores" << endl;
conf.logger.information("Saliendo... con errores");
lua_Debug ar;
lua_getglobal(L, "extraerTelefonos");
lua_getinfo(L, ">Sn", &ar);
cout << "-- " << ar.what << endl;
cout << "-- " << ar.source << endl;
cout << "-- " << ar.linedefined << endl;
cout << "-- " << ar.name << endl;
cout << "-- " << ar.namewhat << endl;
return 0;
The second argument of lua_getglobal
I put the name of the function that I think is causing the failure ... but I do not know if the second parameter is worth exactly for that.
As you can see at the end of the progroma there is only garbage in lua_Debug
Program output:
Encontradas 30 coincidencias
Saliendo con errores
-- C
-- =[C]
-- -1
-- %
How do I have to do to get information about the errors of a Lua script inside a C ++ program?
What am I doing wrong?