Arrangement control in Jade template


I'm doing an application where I read a database in MySQL (MariaDB) and the result (an array) I render it to a template in jade.

I try to create a slider for 8 images in 4 columns Bootstrap and 2 images with descriptive information in 8 columns of a single row. With static data I do it and it works sending the information from the database to the template in Jade (pug) and shows the screenshot as I want but when using it does not work.

I use to update the results of reading the database and, therefore, I use a script in the jade template to declare a variable slidder and assign a set of HTML along with the variables transmitted to the template jade by the socket.

I can not find the way to handle this arrangement with HTML content sent from the app in nodejs to a container DIV.

rendered in the app (node js )

// Doing count register with estado=0
var query = client.query(conteoquery, function(error, result){
        var query = client.query(aceros, function(err, result) {
              console.log("Registro actualizado!!");
              console.log("2. Cambiados: "+result.changedRows+"; Afectados: "+ result.affectedRows);
        throw error;
           // Doing the database query
          client.query(cadquery,function selectCb(err, dattos, fields) {
          // Los datos recibidos estan en dattos
              if (err) {
                      var query = client.query(aceros, function(err, result) {
                      console.log("2. Cambiados: "+result.changedRows+"; Afectados: "+ result.affectedRows);
                  throw err;
                  for(var i=0;i<dattos.length;i++)
                  console.log("/punto2. ip server: ",ip);

the socket

var pollingLoop = function() {
 // Doing the database query
 var cadquery='SELECT * from articulos WHERE estado <> TRUE limit 1,8';
  var query = client.query(cadquery),
    users = []; // this array will contain the result of our db query
  //var query1=client.query(cadquery1);
  // setting the query listeners
    .on('error', function(err) {
      // Handle error, and 'end' event will be emitted after this as well
      console.log("Error en pollingLoop: "+err);
    /*  updateSockets(err);*/
    .on('result', function(user) {
      // it fills our array looping on each user row inside the db
      //console.log("onresult ");
    .on('end', function() {
      // loop on itself only if there are sockets still connected
      if (connectionsArray.length) {
        pollingTimer = setTimeout(pollingLoop, POLLING_INTERVAL);
       //  console.log("onend ");
          turnos: users
        } else {

        console.log('El Servidor fue parado porque no existen mas conexiones');
var updateSockets = function(data) {
  // adding the time of the last update
    data.time = new Date();
    console.log("updateSockets: ",data.turnos[0].nombre);
    //console.log('Pushing new data to the clients connected ( connections amount = %s ) - %s', connectionsArray.length , data.time);
    // sending new data to all the sockets connected
    console.log("%s %s %s // %s %s %s",data.time.getFullYear(),data.time.getMonth()+1,data.time.getDay()+1,data.time.getHours(),data.time.getMinutes(),data.time.getSeconds());
    connectionsArray.forEach(function(tmpSocket) {
        tmpSocket.volatile.emit('notification', data);

the jade template (pug): index.jade


            img(src='img/nombre.png', alt='nombre')
                var slidder;
                var ips='http://#{ip}:7200/';
                $(document).ready(function() {
                    // create a new websocket
                    var socket = io.connect(ips);
                    // on message received we print all the data inside the #container div
                    socket.on('notification', function (data) {
                        **slidder**='<div class="container-fluid"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-4"><div id="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"><ol class="carousel-indicators"><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1"data-slide-to="1"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="2"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="3"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="4"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="5"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="6"></li><li data-target="#carousel-1" data-slide-to="7"></li></ol><div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"><div class="item active"><img src="img/#{data[0].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 1"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[0].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[0].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[1].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 2"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[1].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[1].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[2].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 3"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[2].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[2].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[3].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 4"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[3].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[3].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[4].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 5"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[4].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[4].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[5].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 6"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[5].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[5].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[6].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 7"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[6].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[6].generales}</p></div></div><div class="item"><img src="img/#{data[7].imagen}" class="img-responsive"  alt="slide 8"><div class="carousel-caption hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"><h3>#{data[7].nombre}</h3><br><p>#{data[7].generales}</p></div></div></div></div></div><br><div class="col-md-8"><div class="item1"><div class="cab"><div class="well well-sm"><span class="dattum">#{data[0].cab}</span></div></div><div class="propi"><div class="configuracion">Codigo:<span class="dattum">#{data[0].codigo}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Nombre:<span class="dattum">#{data[0].nombre}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Potencia:<span class="dattum">#{data[0].potencia}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Velocidad:<span class="dattum">#{data[0].velocidad}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Alimentacion:<span class="dattum">#{data[0].alimentacion}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Uso:<span class="dattum">span #{data[0].uso}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Generales:<span class="dattum">#{data[0].generales}</span></div></div><div class="imagen"><img src="/img/#{data[0].imagen}"  class="img-responsive" alt="slide 1"></div><div class="pie"><div class="well well-sm">#{data[0].pie}</div></div></div><div class="item2"><div class="cab"><div class="well well-sm"><span class="dattum">#{data[1].cab}</span></div></div><div class="propi"><div class="configuracion">Codigo:<span class="dattum">#{data[1].codigo}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Nombre:<span class="dattum">#{data[1].nombre}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Potencia:<span class="dattum">#{data[1].potencia}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Velocidad:<span class="dattum">#{data[1].velocidad}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Alimentacion:<span class="dattum">#{data[1].alimentacion}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Uso:<span class="dattum">span #{data[1].uso}</span></div><div class="configuracion">Generales:<span class="dattum">#{data[1].generales}</span></div></div><div class="imagen"><img src="/img/#{data[1].imagen}"  class="img-responsive" alt="slide 1"></div><div class="pie"><div class="well well-sm">#{data[1].pie}</div></div></div></div></div></div>';

          img(src='img/nombre.png', width='20%', height='7%', alt='citturn' style='float:left')

Where slider is the variable and the data from app.js are named



Employment local addressing for bootstrap and for jquery.


The socket data reaches the rendered html file but I can not show it. I appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.

asked by marqueTTronica 28.04.2017 в 17:22

2 answers


Well, the problems had to do with indentation, in the case of Jade, with the structure of the variables and the location of the script.

The script must be at the end, just before the body closes or ensure that the page is fully loaded. The variables for HTML must be the name and for Jade


In the script the getElementByID.innerHTML should be assigned the variables as if it were HTML (only the name).

I use a variable to work an array and it travels on the data object by socket. This variable I had to assign it to a local variable before working the elements of the array with the innerHTML. Here I also had a problem of value overflow.

You can work with or without jQuery. I take the question as solved.

answered by 01.06.2017 в 19:23

Well, I kept trying by any means you can find on the internet and I think I found a solution working with javascript bareback and with document.getElementById and its version for image document.getElementById ('mimg'). src="../img /"+"amoladora1.jpg ";             document.getElementById ('mimg'). width="300";             document.getElementById ('mimg'). height="300";

I think I have to pass the jade (pug) files to HTML because this has worked for me here. In a few days I will publish the chosen path.

answered by 25.05.2017 в 00:02