I have the comment tables, user, spam.
The business logic, is that simple: a user can make comments, and this comments can be marked as spam by other users.
The query I want to make must have the following structure:
datos de comentarios / datos de usuario quien comentó / "usuario_spam" / spam_total
smash_user: will be NULL if I have not marked the comment as spam, or it will be my "id" otherwise.
spam_total: The number of times the comment was marked as spam.
The SQL query I have made is the following:
US.id AS usuario_spam,
COUNT(spam.id) AS spam_count
FROM comentario
LEFT JOIN spam ON comentario.id = spam.id_comentario
INNER JOIN usuario ON comentario.id_usuario = usuario.id
LEFT JOIN usuario US ON US.id = spam.id_usuario = 123456 //ejemplo
comentario.id_articulo = 11111 //ejemplo
GROUP BY comentario.id
ORDER BY comentario.fecha_creado DESC
Apparently the query between comments and know how much spam you have is, simple, the complicated is when I try to know if the user who enters (123456) has marked the comment as spam.
-----Usuario-- comentario- ------spam-------
|____ id ____| | id__ id_usu.| |_ id __|__ id_comentario_|__id_usu.._|
|____ 1 ____| | 1 __| 1 ___| |_ 1 ___|_________1_______|__ 3 _____|
|____ 2 ____| | 2 __| 1 ___| |_ 2 ___|_________1_______|__ 2 _____|
|____ 3 ____| | 3 __| 2 ___|
| 4 __| 2 ___|
Assuming that the query is made by the user of id = 1. The resulting ones would be:
|__ comentario ____|____ usuario ____| ______ usuario spam ___| total spam |
|______ 1 _________|_____ 1 _____| ________ NULL _________|_____ 2 ____|
|______ 2 _________|_____ 1 ______| ________ NULL _________|_____ 0 ____|
|______ 3 _________|_______ 2 _______| ________ NULL _________|______0_____|
|______ 4 _________|_______ 2 _______| ________ NULL _________|______0_____|
Assuming that the query is made by the user of id = 3. The resulting ones would be:
|__ comentario ____|____ usuario ____| ______ usuario spam ___| total spam |
|______ 1 _________|_____ 1 _____| ________ 3 _________|_____ 2 ____|
|______ 2 _________|_____ 1 ______| ________ NULL _________|_____ 0 ____|
|______ 3 _________|_______ 2 _______| ________ NULL _________|______0_____|
|______ 4 _________|_______ 2 _______| ________ NULL _________|______0_____|