Vegan for R 3.3.3


I am trying to install Vegan and bioconductor in R 3.3.3 but the program shows me that those packages are not available for the version I have

Installing package into ‘C:R/win-library/3.3’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning message:
package ‘vegan’ is not available (for R version 3.3.3) 

Does anyone know if I'm doing something wrong or if the new version is limited to certain packages?

asked by Carolina 30.03.2017 в 12:54

1 answer


I just installed vegan in windows with R 3.3.3 and installed without problems. What may have happened in your case may have been the following:

1. That you tried very close to the update from R 3.2 to 3.3

R has its versions as major.minor.parche. Major updates (from 2.x.x to 3.x.x for example) do not happen very frequently. Minor updates (from 3.2 to 3.3 ) happen more often. In both cases all the packages must be updated, because they require to be compiled again against the new version of R.

In windows, by default you download a compiled version from CRAN. And these compilations are delayed a bit after the update of R. Not much, so you have to arrive just at the moment that a new version has not yet been compiled, but it is possible that it will be.

In this case you can wait, or compile yourself on your computer. The steps are:

  • Install RTools
  • Download the package as source code ( source ), in this case:

    install.packages("vegan", type = "source")

  • 2. That the package does not work with the current version of R

    Sometimes things are broken in a package with major and minor updates of R. In these cases the process of automatic compilation, which runs in CRAN and keeps the binary versions of the updated packages will generate an error, and will result in that the package seems not to be available for windows.

    In this case, the step above will give you an error too. If that happens, it always helps to write the author or manager ( package maintainer ) to alert him to the error. There is an automatic CRAN alert, but a human being waiting for action often helps speed up the process.

    These two are the most common reasons. There is a longer list with a full list of reasons why this error may appear. But you already go beyond the specific case of vegan .

    I hope that in the meantime this has already been resolved and this answer is only to give a bit of context.

    answered by 12.04.2017 в 03:23