I am trying to make a query in a Postgres database where I want to get results in the form of a table as follows. Variables 1, 2 ... n are the names of the sensors that are known (from the list in the query). Then, the result would be for each date, set the value of the sensor whose name is variableN.
logtime variable1 variable2 variable3
fecha1 valor11 valor12 valor13
fecha2 valor21 valor22 valor23
For this, I have seen the function crosstab
, but the truth is that I do not know very well how to use it. I would appreciate any help to generate this query:
select * from crosstab(
'SELECT sensorhistdatalog.valuedate as logtime, sensorhistdatalog.value as logvalue, sensor.name FROM public.sensor
INNER JOIN public.sensorhistdatalog
ON sensor.id = sensorhistdatalog.sensor_id
where sensorhistdatalog.valuedate between ''2017-03-06'' and ''2017-03-07''
order by name, valuedate asc')
as (
logtime text,
logvalue text,
name text);
The tables I want to cross are sensorhistdatalog and sensor where sensorhistdatalog has several columns, but we use the sensor_id (which is the foreign key of the id of the sensor table), the date and the value, basically. The sensor table is simply the list of sensors with their id, name and description.
The error I get is the following:
ERROR: no existe la función crosstab(unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown)