I am a pithon enthusiast and self-taught and I find myself with the following problem: In a method I create a list from another one where I have to make some changes within a loop, to each cycle I want the second created list to be copied from the first in the state it was in, but the changes I made in this also affect the first. Specifically it is a minimap where I represent the position of a character in movement, but instead of a point with the current position I draw a line ... I do not know what I do wrong. The part of the code where the problem is is as follows (I use python 3.4 and pygame 1.9.2):
# Crea una matriz con el mapa.
def matrizar_minimapa(self):
# lista que creo a partir de self.matriz_mapa que quiero
# que se quede intacta
matriz = []
for element in self.elements.values():
f,c = self.buscarPos(element.map_pos)
# Esto me modifica las dos listas ¡¿?!
matriz[f][c] = 2
# crea una superficie minimapa donde se representa el mapa y elementos
def get_minimapa(self):
celwidth = 3
minimap_w = len(self.matriz_mapa)*celwidth
minimap_h = len(self.matriz_mapa[0])*celwidth
matriz = self.matrizar_minimapa()
pisable = pygame.image.load('utilidades/imagenes/minimapa/pisable.png')
nopisable = pygame.image.load('utilidades/imagenes/minimapa/nopisable.png')
elemento = pygame.image.load('utilidades/imagenes/minimapa/elemento.png')
foco = pygame.image.load('utilidades/imagenes/minimapa/foco.png')
minimap_surface = pygame.Surface((minimap_w, minimap_h))
x = 0
y = 0
for f in matriz:
for c in f:
if c == 0:
minimap_surface.blit(pisable, (x,y))
elif c == 1:
minimap_surface.blit(nopisable, (x,y))
elif c == 2:
minimap_surface.blit(elemento, (x,y))
x += celwidth
y += celwidth
x = 0
return minimap_surface
For what it's worth, the variable I want to leave intact (which represents the map) I think of it as follows:
# Crea una matriz con el mapa donde 0 es pisable y 1 no.
def matrizar_mapa(self, mapa_nopisable, mapasize):
matriz = []
width = 22
fil = 0
for y in range(0, mapasize[0], width):
for x in range (0, mapasize[1], width):
cel = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, width)
if cel.collidelist(mapa_nopisable) == -1:
fil += 1
self.matriz_mapa = matriz