I am trying to get the distance traveled in a collection of straight line trips. The rule to determine the distance is that only the only sections count, if it happens more than once only the first counts. Example:
╔═══════╦═══════╦═══════╗ ║ Tramo ║ Desde ║ Hasta ║ ╠═══════╬═══════╬═══════╣ ║ 1 ║ 100 ║ 110 ║ ║ 2 ║ 115 ║ 116 ║ ║ 3 ║ 100 ║ 111 ║ ║ 4 ║ 0 ║ 15 ║ ║ 5 ║ 50 ║ 110 ║ ║ 6 ║ 70 ║ 120 ║ ╚═══════╩═══════╩═══════╝
In these tours the only distance was 85m. Make a solution that uses a bit array for control, and a counter to calculate the distance, this speed and memory consumption up to 20250000 meters is good, the performance declines. Could you recommend me some algorithm to solve this type of problem?
Update, another example of a similar problem
A similar problem is for the union of different set of number numbers, of which we only have the beginning and the end for each set, we want to know the number of numbers resulting from the union of these:
The set P are number from exclusive 0 to 15, the set Q is from numbers from exclusive 11 to 15, and the set R is from exclusive 14 to 20, the union of these sets gives a new group of 20 unique elements.
Note that these distances are in a straight line, they are not routes that have a georeference, but are segments of a straight line.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class MainClass {
static Estacion[] estaciones = new Estacion[]{
new Estacion(100,110),
new Estacion(115,116),
new Estacion(100,111),
new Estacion(0,15),
new Estacion(50,110),
new Estacion(70,120)
public static void Main (string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine (Calcular());
public static int Calcular()
var min =estaciones.Min(m=> m.Desde);
var max =estaciones.Max(m=> m.Hasta);
var recorrido =0;
var cantidad= max-min;
var bA = new BitArray(cantidad,false);
foreach(var e in estaciones.OrderByDescending(o=> o.Longitud))
var h= ((e.Hasta-e.Desde)/2);
for(int i= 0;i<= h ; i++)
var slot=i+e.Desde-min;
if(recorrido== cantidad)
return recorrido;
return recorrido;
public class Estacion
public Guid Id {get; set;}
public int Desde {get; set;}
public int Hasta {get; set;}
public int Longitud {get; set;}
public Estacion(int a, int b)
Desde = a;
Hasta= b;
Longitud= Hasta-Desde;
Id= Guid.NewGuid();