I have the database of DATA created in this format.
the code you use for the query is the following: only that the class table increases The column Bimester to demilitar the query.
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
<td class="warning"><H3>APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES</H3></td>
$consulta="SELECT * FROM clase WHERE bimestre='1BIM'";
foreach ($resultado as $dia) {
echo "<td>".$dia['fecha']."</td>";
}// cierra el foreach
echo "</tr>";
$consultax="SELECT $tabla1.id,$tabla1.ap,$tabla1.am,$tabla1.nom,$tabla2.alumno_id,$tabla2.clase_id,$tabla2.estado FROM $tabla1,$tabla2 WHERE $tabla1.id=$tabla2.alumno_id ";
while ($row=$resultadox->fetch_array()) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$ap." ".$am." ".$nom."</td>";
echo "<td>".$estado."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
the final result would have to be like this:
in advance I would appreciate your help.