validate data entry to jTable in java netbeans


How to know when nothing is entered from the database into the table? I do my query and the result is entered into the table, but when nothing is entered, it means that the searched name is not in the database. At that time I want to send a message that it is not in the database, just that I do not know how to validate that there is nothing in the Jtable.

private void BuscarNomActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {        
     String[] titulos = {"NOMBRE","#                REPORTE","GRUPO","SISTEMA","FECHA","MOTIVO","SUSPENSION"};
        String[] registro = new String[7];

  DriverManager.registerDriver(new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver());
  Connection unaConexion = (Connection)      DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/umaya", "root", "");
        java.sql.Statement instruccionSQL = unaConexion.createStatement();

        String Nomb=Nombre.getText();

        modelo = new DefaultTableModel(null, titulos);

        Conexion mysql = new Conexion();
        Connection cn = mysql.Conectar();
        Statement st;

 sSQL = "SELECT nombre,numero_reporte,gradoygrupo,sistema,fecha,motivo,suspension FROM generaldb WHERE nombre LIKE '%"+Nomb+"%'";

          String cadena;
              Integer co=0;

                try {

                    st = cn.createStatement();
                    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sSQL);

                    while ( {
                            String cow = rs.getString("nombre");
                     //INGRESO EL RESULTADO A MI TABLA      
                            registro[0] = rs.getString("nombre");
                            registro[1] = rs.getString("numero_reporte");
                            registro[2] = rs.getString("gradoygrupo");
                            registro[3] = rs.getString("sistema");
                            registro[4] = rs.getString("fecha");
                            registro[5] = rs.getString("motivo");
                            registro[6] = rs.getString("suspension");

                    catch (SQLException ex) 
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no se     ingreso a la base de datos ");

asked by Daniel Rodriguez 27.12.2016 в 17:37

3 answers


The DefaultTableModel has a method to know how many rows (rows) it has. After the cycle you can ask for the number of rows.

try {

     st = cn.createStatement();
     ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sSQL);

     while ( {
        String cow = rs.getString("nombre");
        registro[0] = rs.getString("nombre");
        registro[1] = rs.getString("numero_reporte");
        registro[2] = rs.getString("gradoygrupo");
        registro[3] = rs.getString("sistema");
        registro[4] = rs.getString("fecha");
        registro[5] = rs.getString("motivo");
        registro[6] = rs.getString("suspension");


     if( modelo.getRowCount() == 0 )
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "El nombre buscado no existe en la Base de datos.");

} catch (SQLException ex) {
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no se     ingreso a la base de datos ");
answered by 04.10.2018 в 07:39

After closing the while , add the following:

if(model.getRowCount() == 0){
    //Lanzas el mensaje

After adding all the rows to the model, the check is made. It is not correct that this check is added within the loop while

answered by 17.03.2017 в 10:56

You can make a slight modification to your code:

          String row = null;
    while ( {
                      row = rs.getString("nombre"); // si el valor del campo no existe retorna un null, sino el valor del registro
                     //INGRESO EL RESULTADO A MI TABLA      
                            registro[0] = rs.getString("nombre");
                            registro[1] = rs.getString("numero_reporte");
                            registro[2] = rs.getString("gradoygrupo");
                            registro[3] = rs.getString("sistema");
                            registro[4] = rs.getString("fecha");
                            registro[5] = rs.getString("motivo");
                            registro[6] = rs.getString("suspension");

               if(row != null) Tabla.setModel(modelo);
answered by 09.12.2017 в 01:24