How to display a string
search in Windows Phone 8.1?
This is the code I have, with this code it only shows me the type integer
private async void Btn_buscarUsuario(object sender, RoutedEventArgs
var existing = Db_Helper.SearchUserCode(txtcodigo.Text);
if (existing != null)
txtcodigo.Text = existing.Code;
txtusuario.Text = existing.User;
txtcontrasena.Text = existing.Contrasena;
CboStatus.SelectedValue = existing.Status;
txtemail.Text = existing.Email;
This is the query I have:
public Usuarios SearchUserCode( string Usercode)
using ( var dbConn = new SQLiteConnection(App.DB_PATH))
var existingCodeUser = dbConn.Query<Usuarios>("select * from Usuarios where Code=" + Usercode).FirstOrDefault();
return existingCodeUser;