How to change a value of a dataTable when it is clicked?


I'm doing some tests with shiny and I've created a data.frame for the messages as if it were an inbox .

I show the messages both in notifications and in a library table DT . I would like that when you click on them in the table change their value read to TRUE

I leave you what I've been trying:

Data frame messages

from <- c("A","B","C")
content <- c("Mensaje 1","Mensaje2","Mensaje leido")
leido <- c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)
messages <- data.frame(from,content,leido)

DT :: datatableoutput of messages

output$tablaMensajes <- DT::renderDataTable({

Message notifications

output$mensajes <- renderMenu({
    if(! is.null(input$tablaMensajes_rows_selected)){
        messages[s,"leido"] <- TRUE
    msgs <- apply(messages[which(messages$leido == FALSE),], 1, function(row) {
        messageItem(from = row[["from"]], message = row[["content"]],href = paste0("javascript:mensaje('",row[["content"]],"')"))
     dropdownMenu(type = "messages", .list = msgs)

It is in the message notifications where I check if it has been pressed and if so it changes its value read to TRUE , the problem is that it is not saved in the data frame as TRUE .

asked by Lombarda Arda 01.03.2017 в 08:51

1 answer


Create an event observe and assign with <<- to save the change

I changed the code a bit since there was a bug that when there were no more messages left, I gave you the following error:


Error: subscript out of bounds

    output$mensajes <- renderMenu({
    if(nrow(messages[which(messages$leido == FALSE),]) >0) {
        msgs <- apply(messages[which(messages$leido == FALSE),], 1, function(row) {
            messageItem(from = row[["from"]], message = row[["content"]],href = paste0("javascript:mensaje('",row[["content"]],"')"))
        msgs = NULL

    dropdownMenu(type = "messages", .list = msgs)

output$tablaMensajes <- DT::renderDataTable({
    if(! is.null(input$tablaMensajes_rows_selected)){
        messages[s,"leido"] <<- TRUE
        output$mensajes <- renderMenu({
            if(nrow(messages[which(messages$leido == FALSE),]) >0) {
                msgs <- apply(messages[which(messages$leido == FALSE),], 1, function(row) {
                    messageItem(from = row[["from"]], message = row[["content"]],href = paste0("javascript:mensaje('",row[["content"]],"')"))
                msgs = NULL
            dropdownMenu(type = "messages", .list = msgs)

        output$tablaMensajes <- DT::renderDataTable({

answered by 01.03.2017 / 12:46