Good morning, I have 3 models "Empleado", "grupo_familar" and "documentos_familiares". Employee has a one_to-many relationship with grupo_familar and grupo_familiar a one_to_many relationship with family_files. When wanting to collect employee data I get the error: undefined method 'document_families' for ActiveRecord :: Associations :: CollectionProxy [] > EL code ...
#modelo empleado
class Employee < ApplicationRecord
has_many :family_groups
accepts_nested_attributes_for :family_groups, allow_destroy: true
mount_uploader :avatar, ImageUploader
mount_uploader :copy_document, CopyDocumentUploader
#modelo grupo_familiar
class FamilyGroup < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :employee, optional: true
has_many :document_families
accepts_nested_attributes_for :document_families, allow_destroy: true
#modelo documento_familiares
class DocumentFamily < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :family_group, optional: true
#en empleado controller
def show
@employee.family_groups # de esta forma me trae los grupos familiares con exito
@emmployee.family_groups..document_families #me sale el error anteriormente comentado.
The intention is to collect the data of the employee, the family group and the documents of each family group.