Hi, I have a simple application crud in codeigniter and sql server 2000, in which all queries to the database are made through jquery ajax. I developed it on my local PC windows 8 with xampp, and everything works fine, until I wanted to upload my application to the server, and that was when I got an error and it did not work. The chrome console says:
XMLHttpRequest can not load link . No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin ' link ' is therefore not allowed access.
And firefox: Cross-origin request blocked: The same origin policy does not allow the reading of remote resources in localhost / Retenciones / index.php / Welcome / getMedicos? Term = ami. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' not present)
I guess I am infringing some security but I do not know what it is. Try creating a .htaccess file but the server gives another error.
Any ideas to fix this?