I have a view where I will create series and I have a list, from the list I link to the aggregation of My series, but mark this error
index.html.erb file
<section class="capturar">
<section class="detalles">
<h2 style="color:blue;font-size:32px"> Lista de Series </h2>
<%= link_to "Agregar nueva Serie", new_series_path,:class=>"nuevo" %>
File _guardar_guardar_guardar.html.erb
<section class="formulario">
<%= form_for @serie do |f| %>
<%= f.label "Titulo" %>
<%= f.text_field :class=>"caja"%>
<%= f.submit "Enviar",:class=>"button success" %> <%= link_to "Cancelar", series_path,:class=>"button alert" %>
<% end %>
Method new
def new
@serie = Serie.new();
It is supposed that what the method should do is show me at least the screen to be able to create a new series
I have another method and class in the same way that it is only that I do not know if the routes are bad or modified or for some reason the method of updating is bringing me because apparently it asks parameters that should not be the case.