I'm trying to make a function that depending on the model of a car, you choose a certain image for a pictureBox.
I was able to put the image in the pictureBox in the following way: pictureBoxAuto.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.imagen.jpg;
But, what I need is that it can be put through a filepath, in order to do something like this: pictureBoxAuto.BackgroundImage = ("Resources / image" + model + ". jpg"); This so that, simply by sending a parameter that is the model, the image to be displayed is changed. For example, I have my image called: "carro2012.jpg" So for that I want to know the direct filepath of Resources, because if I put it as pictureBoxAuto.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile ("C: / blah blah blah") it will not work on other computers.