You are making three mistakes:
You must give an alias to the clause query from.
You can not use count (*), you must specifically have a column
Use the Pivot values directly as column names,
With that in mind, a possible solution would be this:
ExpedientesR_2016 as (
select 1 id, 'SGA' origen
union all select 2, 'SGA'
union all select 3, 'CON'
union all select 4, 'ZLN'
union all select 5, 'SGA'
union all select 6, 'CON'
union all select 7, 'SGA'
union all select 8, 'ZLN'
union all select 9, 'GSI'
union all select 10, 'SGA'
union all select 11, 'ZLN'
union all select 12, 'GSI'
select *
from (select origen, id from ExpedientesR_2016) x
pivot (count(id) for origen in ([SGA], [ZLN], [GSI], [CON])) as pv