Agree link , ContryCriteriaId was removed in the version 201605 (go to the reference to see the links included):
Removed report fields
The following fields were removed from the CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT:
- CityCriteriaId
- MetroCriteriaId
- RegionCriteriaId
For geographic information, use the AoiMostSpecificTargetId and
LopMostSpecificTargetId fields instead. To get additional information
(such as location names and parent location IDs) for the IDs returned
in those fields, use LocationCriterionService or the tables on the
Geographical targeting page.
The following fields related to final URLs were removed from the
PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT because final URLs can not be specified for
ProductPartition criteria:
- FinalAppUrls
- FinalMobileUrls
- FinalUrls
In Depracation Schedule the sunset date of version 201605 is not yet indicated. I recommend checking the migration guide to 201607