Parceable and unParceable in Androidstudio and .Net


Good morning

Someone could help me how to make a Parceable to an entity in Android and .Net; and also make an UnParceable to an entity in android and .Net

"I need both because in .Net I have the webservice."

Thanks Happy day

asked by tecleador 23.08.2016 в 21:56

1 answer


The interface "Parceable" is typical of Android, basically corresponds to a way to serialize objects so they can be included in the Intents.

My recommendation is that do not use this to communicate with a WS since there is no equivalent in .Net.

You should use some standard protocol to communicate with the Web service as XML or JSON so that both your client and the server can speak the same language.

answered by 07.09.2016 в 17:03