How to return a data list of an asyncTask class?


I have an asynctask class in which I consult the data of a person in a webservice. How can you return that data to the class from which it was invoked. I have tried creating an interface class and implementing it in the asynctask, but it returns as null. This is my interface

public interface IConductor {
void asignaConductor(ArrayList <String> condutor);
public ArrayList <String> getConductor();


My asyntask is this way

    protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(String... strings) {
        Log.i("ConsultaChofer", "doInBackground");

        httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        IMEI = strings[0];
        get = new HttpGet("" + IMEI);
        get.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

        try {
            Log.i("ConsultaChofer", "Intetando consulta");

            response = httpClient.execute(get);
            respuesta = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
            respJSON = new JSONObject(respuesta);
            estado = respJSON.getString("estado");
            conductor = new ArrayList<String>();

            Log.i("ConsultaChofer", "Estado " + estado);
            if (estado.equals("1")) {
                noEconomico = ( respJSON.getString("Num_Economico"));
                nombreC = ( respJSON.getString("NombreCompleto"));
                telefono = (respJSON.getString("Telefono"));
                licencia = (respJSON.getString("Licencia"));
                domicilio = (respJSON.getString("Domicilio"));
            } else {
                Log.i("ConsultaChofer", "No se obtuvieron datos");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.e("Servicio Rest", "Error", ex);
            estado = "0";
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {
        Log.i("ServicioRest", "onPostExecute");
        if (estado.equals("1")) {
            Log.i("ServicioRest", "Conductor " + conductor.get(1));


    protected void onPreExecute() {
        Log.i("ServicioRest", "onPreExecute");


    public void asignaConductor(ArrayList <String> conductor) {
        datos = new ArrayList<String>();
        datos = conductor;

    public ArrayList<String> getConductor() {
        return datos;

And the way I run the asynctask call from the class

ObtenerConductor tarea = new ObtenerConductor();

        ArrayList<String> conductor = new ArrayList<String>();
        conductor =  tarea.getConductor();

Calling the method "getConductor" closes the application and returns null. How else could the same arrayList return from the asyncTask?

asked by Ken 02.08.2016 в 22:21

2 answers


Your class AsyncTask is GetConductor, I tell you some tips:

first your method doInBackground() must return the ArrayList with data,

    protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(String... strings) {
     //return null;  //No sirve de nada retornar Null!
    return conductor;

this value will be received by onPostExecute() :

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> conductor) {
        Log.i("ServicioRest", "onPostExecute");

        /*if (estado.equals("1")) {
            Log.i("ServicioRest", "Conductor " + conductor.get(1));


Your methods would be:

    public void asignaConductor(ArrayList <String> conductor) {
        //datos = new ArrayList<String>();
        //datos = conductor;

        //Se crea una copia del arrayList para la variable datos.
        datos = new ArrayList<String>(conductor);

    public ArrayList<String> getConductor() {
        return datos;

With this you can obtain by means of the method getConductor() the value of the ArrayList data.

answered by 03.08.2016 в 00:50

You can try the following:

Implementation in the AsyncTask:

public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask{

  public interface IConductor {
        void asignaConductor(ArrayList <String> condutor);

  public IConductor response = null;

    public MyAsyncTask(IConductor response){
        this.response = response;

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList <String> condutor) {

Implementation where you run the Asynctask:

MyAsyncTask asyncTask =new MyAsyncTask(new AsyncResponse(){

     void asignaConductor(ArrayList <String> condutor){
     //Aqui lo que quieras hacer con la respuesta.
answered by 03.08.2016 в 00:21