I'm trying to invoke a web service through java, but when I run the code I get an error that says:
the serializer / deserializer for the parameter number: 0, name: "{ link } consultBooksResponse", type: "{ link } consultBooksResponse", is ambiguous because it does not You could determine your class
For what I read is a serialization problem but I do not know how to solve it because I do not have access to the web service code, but I just want to implement a client for it.
The code I am implementing is:
ServiceFactory sf = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
Service serv = sf.createService(
new URL("http://localhost:8080/WSLibreria/libreria?WSDL"),
new QName("http://servicios/", "libreria"));
Call call = serv.createCall(
new QName("http://servicios/", "libreriaPort"),
new QName("http://servicios/", "consultarLibros")
String result = (String) call.invoke(
new Object[]{ "novela" }
I would appreciate if you can help me solve this.