I have a sqlserver database from which I generate the corresponding models with EF. The problem arises because a table in the database for example users is dynamic, it may be that a record appears or not (Address).
TABLE USERS with records: ID, First Name, Last Name but Address may not appear in the table.
The problem comes in mapping the User object with its corresponding properties ID, First Name, Last Name, Address. Let's see if there is any method that maps the property "address" in the case that exists in the table, but creates the user object without the property address. Is it necessary for the model to have all the properties equal to the records in the table?
EDIT : What really happens to me is that a server can have different versions of a project from a database. In the first version the address is not defined, it may be that in another server it has a new version of the project and it is in the table. Then I have an api that the client decides in which server to connect there, the problem arises that the client does not know which version connects the project but I have to generate the client model depending on whether the column is in the database or not