Take value and assign to a radioGroup


How can I take the value of a query to radioGroup ?
 Currently I have defined the radioGroup in this way:
the value that I store in a table is the one found in inputValue :

var chkTipoRRT = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({ id: 'chkTipoRRT', width: 400, columns: 4,
    items: [
    { name: 'chkTipoRRT', boxLabel: 'Estandar', inputValue: 'Estandar', checked: true },
    { name: 'chkTipoRRT', boxLabel: 'Doc', inputValue: 'Doc' },
    { name: 'chkTipoRRT', boxLabel: 'Plus', inputValue: 'Plus' }]

At the moment of consulting the table that contains my value (in this case it is "Plus") I do not know how to assign this value to this same radioGroup and show me the check corresponding to the value. I have this at the moment but it does not work for me:

(result.chkTipoRRT) ? (chkTipoRRT.setValue('plus')) : (chkTipoRRT.setValue('Doc'));
asked by user35221 03.04.2017 в 16:29

2 answers


I validate that the invocation to remote.aspx is correct, I also imagine this page exposes a webmethod of name getRecepcion , if so you could make the answer is the value of the radius that should be selected.

Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'remote.aspx', tiemeout: 10000, params: { opcion: 'getRecepcion', id: id }}, 
                success: function(response) { 
                    var result = Ext.decode(response.responseText); 
                    if (result.success) { 

in this case result.chkTipoRRT would return Doc, Plus, etc

To see the value you receive, you could define the line


in success and if you use the browser's Developr Tools, which you access with F12, in the tab Console see the value

To assign the value you could use

var checkName = "chek" + result.chkTipoRRT
answered by 03.04.2017 / 17:58

How did I find the solution to show the value first modify the radioGroup in this way:

var chkTipoRRT = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({ id: 'chkTipoRRT', disabled:true, width: 400, columns: 4,
        items: [
        { name: 'chekEstandar', id: 'chekEstandar', boxLabel: 'Estandar', inputValue: 'Estandar' },
        { name: 'chekDoc', id: 'chekDoc', boxLabel: 'Doc', inputValue: 'Doc' },
        { name: 'chekPlus', id: 'chekPlus', boxLabel: 'Plus', inputValue: 'Plus' },
        { name: 'chekPersonalizada', id: 'chekPersonalizada', boxLabel: 'Personalizada', inputValue: 'Personalizada'}]

assign id and change name to identify each of the checks.

in the function to bring the result value handle it this way:

 function datosRecepcion(id) {
            url: 'remote.aspx',
            tiemeout: 10000,
            params: { opcion: 'getRecepcion', id: id },
            success: function(response) {
                var result = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
                if (result.success) {
                    var chkRRT = result.chkTipoRRT;
                    if (chkRRT == 'plus') { Ext.getCmp('chekPlus').setValue(true); }
                    if (chkRRT == 'estandar') { Ext.getCmp('chekEstandar').setValue(true); }
                    if (chkRRT == 'doc') { Ext.getCmp('chekDoc').setValue(true); }
                    if (chkRRT == 'personalizada') { Ext.getCmp('chekPersonalizada').setValue(true); }
                } else {
                    msg(result.msg, Ext.Msg.OK, Ext.Msg.WARNING);
            failure: function(result, request) {
                msg('Ocurri%oacute; un error en la aplicación', Ext.Msg.OK, Ext.Msg.ERROR);

which validates the value of the query and according to the value that was obtained is assigned the checked in true.

answered by 03.04.2017 в 18:54